mercredi 28 août 2019
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 28 août 2019 - Tous les titres

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Industry 4.0 @LOIC: Bringing startups and established companies together to boost knowledge sharing and drive innovation (Chamber of commerce)

Make leading industrial companies fit for the future while helping startups gain a foothold in the market: this is the overall objective of the Luxembourg Open Innovation Club (LOIC). Coordinated by the House of Startups (HoST), LOIC provides a platform to exploit synergies and stimulate regular exchange, among others in the form of conferences, such as held end of June on Industry 4.0.   Words like "disruptive" and "revolutionary" are often used in the context of innovation. But while such terms refer to the results of innovation - i.e. new technologies and products - getting there involves a process in which a wide variety of players must work together in a complementary fashion. "Open Innovation" is the magic word that describes the essence of this process, one that...
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These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
Square management
Generali Investements LU
AXA IM Luxembourg
J. P. Morgan
Loyens & Loeff
Sia Partners
Zeb Consulting
Allen & Overy
VP Bank
MIMCO Capital
Lamboley Executive Search
Pictet Asset Management