mardi 27 octobre 2020
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 27 octobre 2020 - Tous les titres

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Summit: an innovative Data Management System by SEQVOIA - "Improving your data governance ability"

SEQVOIA announced the launch of a new Data and Workflow management platform, Summit, to allow asset managers, banks and insurers to manage their data sources and workflows in a flexible and transparent manner.   Data is the key challenge in the Financial Industry today. Yet, a large majority of companies still hold data in silos and continue to miss out on the potential of digitalization. Over the last 18 months, SEQVOIA built an innovative platform to significantly enhance the use of data in the financial industry. The development of Summit was heavily influenced by semantics. In that sense financial institutions using the product will be able to give their data meaning and context and hence turn data into a real asset.   “Our vision is to provide truly...
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