samedi 26 octobre 2019
Tous les titres


Fax du samedi 26 octobre 2019 - Tous les titres

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H.E. Dr. Tamás Iván KOVÁCS, Ambassador of Hungary: "EU should give priority to the preservation of the Schengen system" (mensuel d'octobre - Best of)

The new European Commission to be installed seems to take a fresh approach to the Visegrad countries. Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the new president "understands Central Europe". Are you optimistic about this development?   First, I would highlight that the new president of the Commission was elected with overwhelming support, and Hungary was among the supporters. Mrs. von der Leyen is a person who has an initial trust from the 27, amongst the Central European countries, which is an asset when someone is expected to reconcile different views in formulating new politics in Europe. To speak in a more specific way, the Hungarian Government hopes that the new president of the Commission will be a partner in restoring the balance between the European...
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