jeudi 26 janvier 2012
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 26 janvier 2012 - Tous les titres

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EU draws fire over Santer return to EU post (Reuters)

The appointment of Jacques Santer to head an arm of the euro zone's bailout fund drew fire from critics on Tuesday who said he was ill-suited for the job because of his disastrous tenure as president of the European Commission. Supporters rallied around, however, saying Santer was a capable and solid servant of the European Union. A former prime minister of Luxembourg, Santer was president of the EU's 20-person executive in 1999 when it was forced to resign en masse over allegations of corruption. Detractors said Santer, who was not accused of wrongdoing, presided over a Commission lacking in control over where taxpayers' money was going. It was arguably the biggest scandal to befall the EU since its founding. Jean-Claude Juncker, the current prime minister of Luxembourg and chairman of...
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