vendredi 25 juin 2021
Tous les titres


Fax du vendredi 25 juin 2021 - Tous les titres

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Second Consecutive Award of the Otto Hahn Medal to a Researcher at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg

The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg is proud to announce that, on 23 June 2021, the Otto Hahn Medal was awarded to Dr Ana Harvey, a former research fellow of the MPI Luxembourg now a Lecturer in Law at the Department of Law and Finance of the University of Bedfordshire. For the second consecutive year, a research fellow at the MPI Luxembourg is the recipient of such prestigious and internationally renowned award.   Dr Ana Harvey has received the 2020 Otto Hahn Medal for her exceptional legal work in the area of international arbitration and comparative procedural law with a special focus on fair trial standards. Her research culminated in a PhD thesis successfully defended at the University of Luxembourg in February 2020. Her doctorate entitled “Public Hearings in...
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