lundi 24 juin 2019
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 24 juin 2019 - Tous les titres

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Research highlights lack of political and financial support to reach urban sustainability targets across Europe (thinkstep AG and Drees & Sommer study)

A thinkstep AG and Drees Sommer study into delivering sustainability targets in European cities has found that a lack of political support and financial resources are among the biggest barriers.   Bridging the Climate Gap focused on the municipal building sector in 15 European cities including Glasgow, Helsinki, Munich and the Swedish city of Va¨xjo¨. It looked at their current strategies to meet targets set out in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change to assess the challenges and highlight good practices. While all cities claimed to be affected by the consequences of global warming, more than 60% lacked the greater political support necessary to deliver on sustainability targets aimed at keeping temperature increases below...
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