mercredi 24 janvier 2018
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 24 janvier 2018 - Tous les titres

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RBS International appoints experienced banking specialists to lead its Funds banking team

RBS International has made a series of senior appointments across four jurisdictions to support its expanding banking funds business.   Mike Lewis has been appointed Head of Private Equity Funds Banking in London. In an extensive 29-year banking career with RBS, Mike has spent 14 years with RBS International. He’s worked at a senior level in all four jurisdictions where RBS International provides funds banking services, including many years as a director in Guernsey.   Jamie Mehmood is the new Head of Asset Managers, Infrastructure Debt Funds and Funds Banking, London. Having trained at EY as a Chartered Accountant, Jamie has worked for RBS for 17 years where he built significant experience in debt re-structuring, relationship coverage and...
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