mercredi 23 décembre 2020
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Fax du mercredi 23 décembre 2020 - Tous les titres

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Former Head of Foreign Trade Jean-Claude Vesque passes away (Chamber of Commerce)

It is with sadness that the Chamber of Commerce learned that Mr. Jean-Claude Vesque. former Head of Foreign Trade at the Chamber of Commerce, passed away last Saturday in his home in Limpertsberg.   Jean-Claude Vesque leaves his colleagues and friends with many great memories, as they still remember the words by which he had invited them to his retirement celebration held on 8th of July 2016 : «Toute chose commence un jour et par la force des choses finit un beau jour» Born on 23rd of June 1954, Jean-Claude Vesque studied at the Lycée des Garçons in Luxembourg, before graduating in 1979 with a Master in Business Administration from the Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.   On July 1, 1997, Jean-Claude Vesque was hired by the Chamber of Commerce to head its...
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