jeudi 23 février 2017
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Fax du jeudi 23 février 2017 - Tous les titres

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Farvest Group : FundsEvent 2017 : The funds industry at the crossroads of technology & geopolitics

On February 9th, finance funds professionals gathered at the ECCL to attend a new edition of FundsEvent. This year's main thematic was "Investment Trends: Picking the Relevant Strategy", and international and local experts shared their expertise with the audience on macroeconomic and political challenges but also on the opportunities offered by technology in the funds industry.   The conference was moderated by Gunnar Knierim, Director, AB, who highlighted the fact that we are currently facing challenging and uncertain times, notably with the Trump administration, Brexit and upcoming elections in Europe. "Nowadays, portfolio management is much more complex than it was 50 years ago. We need to answer the needs of clients to serve them with better advice to fulfill...
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