lundi 20 août 2012
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 20 août 2012 - Tous les titres

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What return can video offer a business?

The internet age has made information a commodity and bred a new, savvier type of consumer who has access to a wealth of material; material that ten to twenty years was hidden in the deepest, darkest repositories away from public view. Today however the commoditisation of information has meant we have access to limitless amounts of it. Transforming us all into authors and editors, who roam the internet in search of nuggets of information that we can re-write or stitch together in order to gain an understanding of something. The upside of this has been a profound democratisation of information. The downside is the fragmentation of information, the erosion of authority and (for corporations) loss of control of their story. This latter idea has resulted in companies realising they need to...
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Ces entreprises nous font bénéficier de  leur expertise en collaborant avec Agefi Luxembourg.

These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
Pictet Asset Management
A&O Shearman
MIMCO Capital
Edmond de Rothschild
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Zeb Consulting
Loyens & Loeff
Lamboley Executive Search
Square management
J. P. Morgan
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
AXA IM Luxembourg
VP Bank
Generali Investements LU
Sia Partners