lundi 20 août 2012
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 20 août 2012 - Tous les titres

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It’s not all about performance

Throughout the financial crisis, economic shocks and scandals have damaged investor trust, but there is good news too. According to a PwC/Caceis study titled “Taking the Reins”, external asset managers are performing reasonably well in the eyes of institutional investors. Overall satisfaction is good, but investors have mixed feelings in certain areas. That is why asset managers have to take closer interest in the needs of institutional investors, whose relative weight is increasing. As of the end of 2007, institutional investors accounted for 65% of total European assets; this market share has since then increased to 69%. The volume of assets these investors hold exceeds 12 trillion euros. Dariush Yazdani, partner at PwC Luxembourg, Market Research Institute, underlines that there are...
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