mercredi 19 septembre 2012
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 19 septembre 2012 - Tous les titres

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East moving West: the Chinese dimension

Many Asian economies are growing, and there are huge opportunities in the local financial markets. Not surprisingly, Asian asset managers have plans to expand in their region and beyond. Michael Ferguson, Partner and Asset Management Leader at Ernst Young Luxembourg, is moderating the "East moving West" panel at the ALFI-NICSA conference in Luxembourg. In an interview with LFF, he speaks about these expansion plans, the role of Hong Kong and communication between regulators.   LFF: What do you think about Asian fund markets in general?   MF: Asia is very diverse. You have the large, mature markets, domestically focused, such as Japan and Australia. Then you have the outward looking hubs such as Hong Kong and Singapore; lastly, there...
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