lundi 19 août 2019
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 19 août 2019 - Tous les titres

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VP Bank increases first-half earnings by around 20 per cent

VP Bank Group is expecting group net income for the first half of 2019 to be substantially higher than the corresponding period of the previous year at around CHF 35 million (as at 30 June 2018: CHF 29.3 million). The first half of 2019 developed very positively for VP Bank Group. Earnings rose some 20 per cent from CHF 29.3 million to reach approximately CHF 35 million. Operating income rose to around CHF 163 million (in the first half of 2018: CHF 147.9 million), while operating expenses during the same period increased by a smaller margin to reach some CHF 123 million (during the first half of 2018: CHF 115.5 million). In addition to the positive market environment, the result above all reflects the long-term growth strategy of VP Bank Group. The positive development of net new money...
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