mardi 18 novembre 2014
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 18 novembre 2014 - Tous les titres

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Cashcloud, concentrated innovation boosted by EBRC's ICT Trusted Services Europe, receives the 2014 Banking IT Innovation Award

During the Business Engineering Forum recently held in St. Gallen, Switzerland, cashcloud AG, a start-up based in Luxembourg that created the mobile eWallet “cashcloud” was awarded the 2014 Banking IT Innovation Award. Cashcloud convinced the jury with its "visionary implementation" and features "that reach far beyond the typical elements of a traditional eWallet".   This year the Banking IT Innovation Awards 2014 were given to cashcloud, Commerzbank, Fidor Bank and UBS. Olaf Taupitz, Head of Product and Innovation at cashcloud, explains: "We are particularly proud to have won the 2014 Banking IT Innovation Award. It rewards our innovative strength and the strategic direction of our company. We are currently developing new capabilities that will give the Wallet...
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