lundi 18 septembre 2023
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 18 septembre 2023 - Tous les titres

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LuxProvide Launches Two New Programs to Empower Startups with Supercomputing Capabilities

LuxProvide, Luxembourg's national HPC organization, is pleased to announce the launch of two innovative programs aimed at supporting startups in harnessing the power of supercomputing. As the organization responsible for the long-term operation of the MeluXina supercomputer, LuxProvide aims to offer startups a unique platform that combines data science and supercomputing resources to enhance their innovation projects and prepare their scale-up.   LuxProvide recognizes the immense potential of supercomputing in revolutionizing various industries and enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions for enhanced growth. With the launch of these two new programs, LuxProvide aims to bridge the gap between startups and supercomputing capabilities, providing them with the...
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