lundi 18 septembre 2023
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 18 septembre 2023 - Tous les titres

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European Pension Funds expect to increase allocations to long-dated index-linked income and real estate (AlphaReal survey)

AlphaReal, the specialist manager of secure income real assets, has commissioned a survey of European pension fund professionals who collectively oversee €324 billion in assets., According to the survey, more than 70% of respondents say they manage their assets to an inflation-plus benchmark, with nine out of ten looking to surpass their strategic benchmarks by 1% to 3% over the long term.   The findings, outlined in a report entitled European Fund Survey, which can be downloaded for free European Fund Survey - AlphaReal*, reveals that 46% of survey respondents say their fund’s main strategic allocation priority is to increase diversification in the portfolio. This is followed by 28% who said it is to increase expected returns and 18% who cited it is to increase...
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