mercredi 18 juin 2014
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 18 juin 2014 - Tous les titres

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Mobile Banking Strategy – What are the key success factors?

By Emmanuelle Henniaux, Banking Regulatory and Risk partner at PwC Luxembourg and Florian Bewig, director at PwC Luxembourg   When trying to identify the main causes of the recent development of mobile banking services, the significant evolution of mobile technology always comes first. While mobile phones only started to support rudimentary communication channels in the form of sms messages about two decades ago, modern smartphones contain processing power comparable to top-of-the range PCs sold only a few years ago.   Mobile devices are predicted to become the primary Internet access tool by 2020. This technological development has clearly supported the trend of consumerisation of technology as mobile devices have become an integral part of our...
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