lundi 18 janvier 2016
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 18 janvier 2016 - Tous les titres

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The Annual General Assembly (AGM) of Members of the PMI Luxembourg Chapter

The Annual General Assembly (AGM) of Members of the PMI Luxembourg Chapter was held on Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at PwC Luxembourg, the Premium Chapter Sponsor. The Project Management Institute (PMI) Luxembourg Chapter was pleased to welcome Kris Troukens, PMI Region Mentor – Europe South, who explained the PMI organization worldwide and in Europe with a focus on Luxembourg. PMI is the world’s largest not-for-profit membership association for the project management profession. Our professional resources and research empower more than 700,000 members, credential holders and volunteers in nearly every country in the world to enhance their careers, improve their organizations’ success and further mature the profession.   At the AGM, the members in good standing of the...
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