mardi 15 décembre 2015
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 15 décembre 2015 - Tous les titres

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The new face of the Russian tax realm

By Henri Prijot, Partner Tax, Deloitte Luxembourg Anastasia Pakhomova, Manager Tax, Deloitte Luxembourg   As from 1 January 2015, the Russian “de-offshorization” campaign dedicated to fight tax avoidance and deferral of taxation by the Russian business has entered into its “action phase”, while still being work in progress and undergoing amendments by the Russian lawmakers.   The most recent changes were adopted on 8 June 2015 and it seems there will be more to be discussed in the upcoming sessions of the Russian State Duma. It took about two years to draft and adopt the new law, which has tremendously reshaped the Russian tax realm. The main message of the law is to bring the Russian capital back home and prevent the business from using...
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