jeudi 15 octobre 2015
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 15 octobre 2015 - Tous les titres

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KenCast Inc. appoints Fabrice Testa as Head of International Business Development

KenCast Inc, a worldwide leader in the delivery of digital files and streams flawlessly and securely over wired and wireless networks, is pleased to announce that Fabrice Testa has been appointed as Head of International Business Development for KenCast. In this new role, Mr. Testa will be responsible for the development of KenCast’s business expansion activities in EMEA, Russia CIS and APAC regions. Bringing 25 years of experience in early stage ventures, innovation, disruptive and digital technologies, with the last 10 years spent in the cinema industry, Mr. Testa is a pioneer and veteran within the digital cinema industry. He is recognized as a pillar who contributed to the massive digitalization of the European landscape, first as Vice President with XDC and dcinex, and in the...
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