lundi 15 octobre 2012
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 15 octobre 2012 - Tous les titres

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The Private Equity Opt-Out mechanism within the Luxembourg regulatory environment

Par Arnaud BON, Head of Fund Services, SGG S.A. Camille WISNIEWSKI, Fund Advisor, SGG S.A.   The increased pressure on general partners in the context of a more challenging fundraising environment results in more and more general partners conceding more favorable conditions to the limited partners. Such conditions partly consist in financial rights, such as a waiver of part of the management fees or an increase of the hurdle rates. But it can also consist of non-financial rights, such as additional information and/or reporting obligations or the granting of opt-out rights. An opt-out right is the right granted to an investor (or a group of investors) of significant importance to refuse to be financially exposed to one or several specific investment(s)...
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