mercredi 15 juin 2022
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 15 juin 2022 - Tous les titres

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Dream houses and training journeys: when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

By Carole HOUPERT – Director Anke ZWETSCH – Learning Coordinator, Arendt Institute   When you first start planning your dream house, the initial tasks on your to-do list probably won’t include ordering cutlery for the kitchen, or even shingles for the roof. Of course not – that wouldn’t be effective!   Instead, you’d set up a meeting with an architect: someone who could guide you in sketching out the overall design, and the layout of each floor. That person would also help you set a budget, being sure to point out any specific equipment needs or other factors that could impact the end result. Finally, the architect would prepare a building plan with project milestones, and select the best people for the job (mason, electrician, painters,...
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