mardi 15 mai 2012
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 15 mai 2012 - Tous les titres

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Bank capital rules: reform to boost risk resilience and lending to the real economy

Bank capital requirements must be strengthened to make banks more risk-resilient and the risk weighting of loans to small firms must be reduced to facilitate lending to the real economy, said Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee MEPs in a vote on Monday. Bankers' bonuses must not exceed their fixed pay, they added. "The outcome of the vote is a very strong statement by Parliament to the Council that all political parties are determined to go ahead with stabilizing banks and financing growth. The new capital requirements are not only a pivotal piece of banking regulation, but a law to finance the real economy. The main challenge is to find the right balance. We must have the banks build more solid Security buffers and finance the growth needed now in the real economy. Parliament wants...
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