jeudi 14 septembre 2017
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 14 septembre 2017 - Tous les titres

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Artificial intelligence and Robo-advisors

By Sabine Broun, TechRules Benelux Manager   Robo-advisors are amongst the first to experience changes due to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Over the years, there have been many changes affecting the Financial firms. These include changes to how they do business and in their relationships with clients. In the future, these changes will continue due to automation.   The "big winners" will be clients, the "losers" will be financial firms/ advisors who do not embrace the changes. The learning capability of machines is increasing exponentially with the combination of big data, natural language and machine learning. Big data improves the customer's experience as it "learns about the individual" and their surroundings. This information is then analysed...
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Edmond de Rothschild
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Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Backer McKenzie
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