mardi 14 septembre 2010
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 14 septembre 2010 - Tous les titres

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European Banks warn against economic consequences of supervisors’ agreement

The European Banking Federation (EBF) takes note of the decision on capital requirements reached yesterday (12 September) by the Basel Committee, which it considers as very demanding. “European banks will meet the new requirements, said Guido Ravoet, Secretary General of the EBF, but it will have consequences on the volume and cost of lending and therefore a cost on our economy too. I would like to stress that in Europe, 75% of the lending to the private sector is carried out by banks, against only 25% in the US.” European banks have always acknowledged that the capital base in the banking sector needs to be reinforced, but they reiterate their concern about the lack of a thorough cumulative impact assessment before the adoption of all the regulatory measures proposed as part of the global...
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