mardi 14 septembre 2010
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 14 septembre 2010 - Tous les titres

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LuxembourgforFinance, KNEIP: Oiling the wheels of distribution

Much has been written about Luxembourg’s multicultural lawyers and tax consultants, but what about the less glamorous side of the business, the daily grind of reporting the prices and corporate activity of 100 different fund classes to investors and regulators in 30 different countries? Who controls that this is happening correctly? LFF interviewed Bob Kneip, founder and CEO of KNEIP, a company that does a lot of the “painful stuff” for some 370 companies and 11,950 funds worldwide. KNEIP was set up in 1993 to automate the increasingly complex marketing needs of cross-border fund distributors. From the publication of corporate actions and tombstones the company went on to produce marketing materials, handle fund reporting and the daily publication of fund prices. At that time, share prices...
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