1. Any person established in Luxembourg and potentially qualifying as AIFM under the AIFM Law, has to make a self-assessment in order to:
(i) see if it qualifies as AIFM under the AIFM Law, and, if it does so
(ii) assess if it is subject to a registration or an authorisation under the AIFM Law.
2. Article 4(1) of the AIFM Law requests that an external manager of an AIF (“External AIFM”) or an AIF itself, if its governing body chooses not to appoint an external manager (“Internal AIFM”), shall be registered or authorised as an AIFM. Thus, non regulated AIF, undertakings structured as a Part II fund under the law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment, or as a specialised investment fund under the law of 13 February 2007 relating to...