mercredi 13 mai 2020
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 13 mai 2020 - Tous les titres

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Private Banking during times of crisis (Interview with Thomas STEIGER, CEO of VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA)

The spread of coronavirus is having a wide-ranging impact on the financial sector, while banks are playing a key role in crisis management. In this interview, Thomas Steiger*, CEO of VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA, sets out the measures that have been taken by the bank to ensure normal business operations for clients.   What can banks do to help in the current crisis?   The Corona crisis demonstrates once again the crucial role played by banks as providers of finance for the economy and society at large. In the current crisis, the full range of services offered by banks has been in great demand as system-relevant infrastructure. One example: For complex topics such as bridge funding and support for companies, experts are needed as interlocutors....
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