lundi 12 décembre 2011
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 12 décembre 2011 - Tous les titres

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ABBL: Private Banking in 2020

Over 160 people attended the conference "Private Banking 2020" organized by the ABBLs Private Banking Group, Luxembourg (PBGL) on 8 December 2011. Luc Rodesch, Head of the PBGL, opened the event by providing an overview of the private banking landscape in Luxembourg from a legal and regulatory point of view. Regarding the future of private banking activities in Luxembourg, Luc Rodesch remains rather confident. Faced with the ongoing rapid evolution of the sector, Luxembourg private banks remain positive in their outlook. While they may have different individual strategies, Luxembourg banks can rely on a wide range of solutions to meet future challenges and opportunities. Luc Frieden, Minister of Finance, was the keynote speaker of the evening. Minister...
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