mardi 12 janvier 2021
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 12 janvier 2021 - Tous les titres

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Kris Peeters appointed as new Vice-President of the European Investment Bank

The EIB’s Board of Governors appointed Kris Peeters, a Belgian national, on a proposal from the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium and with the agreement of the EIB-shareholder constituency the country shares with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.   Upon joining the EIB, Kris Peeters remarked: “I am very honoured to join the European Investment Bank, the EU’s Bank, especially at a moment when the Bank accelerates the deployment of its efforts in climate change mitigation. Clearly, this engagement is there to stay and I am looking forward to making a difference with the team at the helm of the EU’s Climate Bank. In doing so I will pay special attention to mobility, a field in which significant and innovative changes are ahead of us, while...
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