jeudi 11 avril 2019
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 11 avril 2019 - Tous les titres

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Fintech Awards Luxembourg open for applications (KPMG)

Explore the Luxembourg fintech ecosystem for two days, meet some of the financial industry’s savviest decision-makers, investors, bankers and entrepreneurs and compete with first-class fintechs from Luxembourg and across Europe. The 4th edition of the Fintech Awards Luxembourg has officially opened to applications on March 15th. Rising stars from the fintech start-up scene are invited to apply for several prizes. It is not only a great opportunity for them to build their network and credibility with senior decision-makers and CEOs from the Luxembourg financial services community, but also provides them with real and tangible opportunities to acquire new clients for their solutions and businesses.   Pascal Denis, co-organiser of the awards and Head of Advisory at KPMG...
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Ces entreprises nous font bénéficier de  leur expertise en collaborant avec Agefi Luxembourg.

These companies give us the benefit of their expertise by collaborating with Agefi Luxembourg.
Pictet Asset Management
A&O Shearman
MIMCO Capital
Edmond de Rothschild
Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Zeb Consulting
Loyens & Loeff
Lamboley Executive Search
Square management
J. P. Morgan
SOCIETE GENERALE Securities Services
AXA IM Luxembourg
VP Bank
Generali Investements LU
Sia Partners