lundi 10 juillet 2017
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 10 juillet 2017 - Tous les titres

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Luxembourg lists first ever Reserved Alternative Investment Fund

New unregulated fund structure will enable asset managers to list funds much faster than previously possible.   The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) lists the first ever Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF). The new RAIF was brought to market by Finexis and has been listed on the Euro MTF market.   RAIFs are a new type of vehicle that combine the characteristics and structures of specialised investment funds (SIFs) and investment companies in risk capital (SICARs) qualifying as Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). However, unlike traditional AIFs, RAIFs are not subject to approval from Luxembourg’s regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, also known as the CSSF. The Law of 23 July 2016, which came...
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