mercredi 10 juillet 2013
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 10 juillet 2013 - Tous les titres

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Interview with Thorsten Steffen, Director, Grant Thornton ABAX Investment Services: New Private Banking in Luxembourg: Are SICAV-SIF a key to success?

Could you introduce yourself and summarize your activities?   Grant Thornton ABAX Investment Services co-sources Private Banks to develop innovative and regulated solutions for their new Private Banking clients. Our service offering includes the entire lifecycle of structured products, starting from structuring, on-going central administration and governance-related services. Through our global network we can support our clients in over 120 countries.   Luxembourg is ready to change the rules governing banking secrecy and to cooperate more closely with foreign tax authorities, the government announced in April. What is your view on this decision?   A wind of change is blowing through the Luxembourg Private...
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Pictet Asset Management
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MIMCO Capital
Edmond de Rothschild
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Zeb Consulting
Loyens & Loeff
Lamboley Executive Search
Square management
J. P. Morgan
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AXA IM Luxembourg
VP Bank
Generali Investements LU
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