mercredi 10 avril 2013
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 10 avril 2013 - Tous les titres

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Cargolux adds Tripoli to destinations portfolio

Cargolux Airlines International S.A. today announced that it will introduce a new air cargo service to Tripoli, Libya’s capital and largest city. The first flight is scheduled for 16 April, followed by weekly services that will operate every Tuesday on the route Luxembourg – Tripoli – Johannesburg. With the political situation in Libya on a stabilizing path, demand for airfreight to and from the North African country is steadily growing, spurred by an economic development that is driven by the oil and gas industry. Thanks to its nose-door equipped 747 freighter fleet, Cargolux is well positioned to accommodate a modal shift from sea to air caused by rising demand for faster and safer transportation solutions. Other sectors targeted on the new service include pharmaceuticals and...
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