lundi 9 décembre 2019
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 9 décembre 2019 - Tous les titres

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Joint Statement of the Ministers of the Benelux Union and the Visegrad Group

On 8th December 2019, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Benelux and the Visegrad Group resumed their tradition and met at the joint invitation of Luxembourg's Presidency of the Benelux Union and the Czech Republic's Presidency of the Visegrad Group.   The meeting took place symbolically in Brussels, a capital of the European Union, at the time when Europe commemorates the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain, a historical moment in which especially the Visegrad countries played a significant role in leading a larger region of Central and Eastern Europe in their search for freedom and democracy. This event marked also the beginning of the common endeavor to reunify Europe after more than forty years of separation, a process which still bears a number of...
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