mercredi 9 décembre 2015
Tous les titres


Fax du mercredi 9 décembre 2015 - Tous les titres

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ALFI: Luxembourg ready for ELTIF - Regulation aimed at giving impetus to economic recovery enters into force on 9 December 2015

As the regulation of European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIFs), established by the European Commission to give new impetus to economic recovery in Europe, enters into force on 9 December 2015, the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry announces that Luxembourg is prepared and believes it has a key role to play in ensuring the success of ELTIFs.   "The objective of the EU in setting up ELTIFs was to boost smart, sustainable and inclusive growth," said Denise Voss, Chairman of ALFI. "Take-up of the new funds may be a gradual process, but we believe that Luxembourg has the in-depth experience and expertise required to support fund promoters wishing to launch ELTIFs, and we are ready to assist them." Ms Voss continued: "To articulate the essential role of investment...
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VP Bank
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