Fax Quotidien
Daily Fax
mercredi 9 septembre 2015
Lang Lang to collaborate with Luxaviation-CMI Group
Luxaviation-CMI Group, the second largest corporate aircraft operator in the world, has announced a special collaboration with Lang Lang, the virtuoso Chinese pianist. At a time when Luxaviation-CMI is becoming increasingly active in the high-growth markets of Asia-Pacific, as part of its mission to become the leading global provider of business aviation world-wide, Lang Lang will perform an annual intimate recital for the Group’s clients across Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Patrick Hansen, CEO of Luxaviation-CMI Group, says: “We are delighted about our partnership with Lang Lang, who, beyond his outstanding abilities as a pianist, is a charitable and inspiring individual with many ideas of what can be achieved in society through a greater appreciation of music. He is...
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