jeudi 9 avril 2020
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Fax du jeudi 9 avril 2020 - Tous les titres

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How Sustainable Funds resisted better than others during last quarter !

By Charles LAMOULEN, Head of Portfolio Management de GreenEthica by FIA Asset Management   Crisis periods like the current one due to Covid-19 increase uncertainty on markets and make investors move to safer assets, with the US dollar, the Swiss Franc or the Japanese Yen among others. In addition, this crisis reduced the demand for oil in a context of a Russia-Saudi Arabia price war that drove oil price to around $20. When Wall Street just recorded the worst quarter since the fourth quarter of 2008, Environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) investing proved to be more resilient and stayed favorite among investors. Ishare ESG MSCI USA Leaders ETF lost 18,9% this year compared to a 23,5% loss in SP 500. The pandemic is also a good test for many ethical...
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