mardi 9 mars 2021
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 9 mars 2021 - Tous les titres

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Sopra Steria selected as cybersecurity partner of the ecos Consortium to undertake a major technology programme for the European Agencies eu-LISA and Frontex

Sopra Steria Benelux is member of the ecos consortium which is undertaking a major technology contract for the European Agencies eu-LISA and Frontex. Specifically, ecos has been awarded through an open tender procedure the provisioning of an ICT infrastructure to support the mission-critical applications of both agencies. The contract has a total budget of €442 million for a maximum six-year duration.   This major technology contract covers the provision of hardware and software, as well as the design, deployment, testing and support of ICT infrastructure for eu-LISA and Frontex. The critical systems operated by eu-LISA and Frontex fulfil the Agencies’ mission of ensuring security in the EU, effectively protecting its borders and implementing its asylum and migration...
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