vendredi 9 février 2024
Tous les titres


Fax du vendredi 9 février 2024 - Tous les titres

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Procedural tactics in Luxembourg corporate and financial disputes: initiating proceedings

By Olivier MARQUAIS, Senior Associate Anis BENDIMRED, Associate, Loyens Loeff Luxembourg   Rules of civil procedure are deemed to be at the service of the parties to a dispute, as the form is meant to be an instrument of the realization of justice. These rules define and structure the process of the dispute and allow the parties to advance to the stage where the merits of the case will be assessed to determine whether – and to what extent – the claims brought forward are justified. Although they do not directly concern the merits of a case, rules of civil procedure carry a significant strategic importance for all parties involved. It is essential to master them to reach the desired outcome.   The nature of corporate and financial...
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