jeudi 9 février 2012
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 9 février 2012 - Tous les titres

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SAS: Customer centricity in 2012: how to face the multi-channel challenge?

By Jeroen Van Godtsenhoven, Head of Business Development at SAS Belgium and Luxembourg Customer first, customer focused, customer driven - new buzzwords that all point in the same direction: the old days of building a product and then try to find a buyer, are over. Today, you listen and interact with your customer and try to respond to his or her individual or collective needs. Its called customer centricity and its going to make all the difference in the competitive battles. And analytics helps you in addressing that customer spot on. Marketing models have traditionally been built around the four Ps of marketing. You developed and built a product, priced it appropriately, promoted it effectively, and then...
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