jeudi 8 avril 2010
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Fax du jeudi 8 avril 2010 - Tous les titres

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Jacques Platieau named new Country General Manager IBM Belgium / Luxembourg and Sector Leader Benelux

IBM has named Jacques Platieau as Country General Manager IBM Belgium/ Luxembourg and Sector Leader Benelux. Mr. Platieau succeeds Bart Van Den Meersche who has held the post for the past eight years. Mr. Platieau has held various roles in the Benelux executive team. He joined IBM in 1984 in the Telecommunications Division and since then he has assumed various responsibilities both as client and project executive and in a number of sales & services management positions at local as well as at international level, including Software Group Executive. Jacques was General Manager of the Global Business Services Division for the Benelux since July 2005. Mr. Van Den Meersche has been named as Vice President Industries & Business Development, IBM Southwest Europe. In this new role Bart will focus...
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