mardi 7 avril 2009
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 7 avril 2009 - Tous les titres

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Campus Contern business park launched at speed: MACH signs first lease with Valad Property Group and VALERES Project Developments

The prestigious business park development Campus Contern, near the city and airport of Luxembourg, is enjoying a successful start. While the first building is still under construction, telecommunications multinational MACH has signed a six year lease for 2,900 m2. To developing partners Valad Property Group and VALERES Project Developments this means that the entire first building has been let from the moment it will be delivered mid June, 2009. Campus Contern is a high quality development that combines the benefits of Contern's convenient location and low rents compared to the city of Luxembourg and most of its periphery. Valad and VALERES are very focused on offering value for money in an attractive setting. The buildings can be flexibly adjusted to meet tenants' requirements and offer...
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