mardi 6 août 2019
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 6 août 2019 - Tous les titres

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BEST OF - Luxembourg’s confirmation that securities can be held through DLT-like technologies, including blockchains! - Luxembourg’s Parliament Passes Bill 7363

By Gary CYWIE*, Elvinger Hoss Prussen   Digital ledger technologies («DLT») and blockchains in particular could disintermediate some of the main financial markets post-trade processes, fund distribution and the asset servicing value chain more generally, authors and experts say(1). Certain authors believe that markets would become more efficient if the holding, clearing and settlement of securities as well as post-trade reporting were made through blockchains(2).   For example, transaction costs would be lower and transactions could be settled in close to real-time. These new technologies would also provide greater transparency for regulators (including with respect to KYC/AML) and investors. Even more, they would eliminate a number of risks...
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