jeudi 6 juillet 2017
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 6 juillet 2017 - Tous les titres

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The LHoFT : The future digital leaders of the LuxTechSchool invent the bank of tomorrow

What does the bank of the future look like? This is the burning question that was addressed to the 27 students of the Luxembourg Tech School gathered last weekend (30.06.2017 / 2.07.2017) for the Hackathon hosted by the LHoFT Foundation in Kirchberg and supported by Digital Lëtzebuerg and Temenos, the world's leading banking software vendor, who provided the technical infrastructure.   Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel opened the Hackathon, encouraging the students to learn and apply technology in a real business context. Prime Minister Bettel commented “this brilliant initiative is here to prepare the youth of today for the world of tomorrow”. The students, split into 7 teams, competed during the weekend to create the best solutions and invent the bank of tomorrow...
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