lundi 6 mai 2013
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 6 mai 2013 - Tous les titres

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Asian appetite for AIFMD structures is growing

The consequences of AIFMD implementation are being discussed around the globe. Baker McKenzie (Luxembourg) flew into action in Singapore, in front of an audience of Asset Managers and Investors to confirm exactly why Luxembourg is the venue of choice for non- European managers. The final version of the AIFMD (Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive) and its Level II implementation measures has been unveiled, the deadline confirmed and Asian Fund managers are concerned. Amidst the changes to be implemented by the introduction of the AIFMD on 22 July 2013, there are many hard-to-answer questions regarding delegation, remuneration and distribution.   Sandrine Leclercq, Counsel, is a regular speaker in Asia on funds. She reported after her recent time in...
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