jeudi 6 janvier 2011
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 6 janvier 2011 - Tous les titres

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Developing the Fourth Pillar for the Luxembourg Financial Place: Philanthropy, Private Foundation, Freeport ...

Nothing will ever be like before... Donating feels good. Despite the crisis, wealthy people consider philanthropy as a must, giving a priority to philanthropic projects with a high social purpose. This trend is also showing in the emerging countries. The wealthy individuals are demonstrating growing interest in products with sustainable development content, instead of ostentatious consumption products. The most renown philanthropists are Baron Taylor pioneer of the French movement for mutualism, Richard Wallace who invented the Wallace fountain to remedy the problems of water supply in Paris, John Davison Rockefeller with the Rockefeller Foundation set up to promote scientific progress worldwide, Albert Kahn who gathered one of the most significant photographs collections...
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