lundi 5 décembre 2016
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 5 décembre 2016 - Tous les titres

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SES adds 24/7 4Kuniverse ultra HD channel

SES today announced 4KUNIVERSE, a general entertainment Ultra HD channel, is the latest in a series of networks to join its fast-growing Ultra HD line-up being delivered to cable operators and other television platforms across North America.   A compelling mix of documentaries, sports, movies, and TV shows aimed at Millennials and Generation-X viewers, 4KUNIVERSE will make its debut in January on the SES-1 satellite, one of three satellites (SES-1, SES-3, AMC-18) hosting North America’s leading Ultra HD distribution platform at the centre of the orbital arc. 4KUNIVERSE, licensed to multiple video program distributors (MVPDs) by Vivicast Media, is the fourth Ultra HD channel in less than two months to join SES’s regional Ultra HD platform, home to eight linear Ultra HD...
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