jeudi 4 décembre 2014
Tous les titres


Fax du jeudi 4 décembre 2014 - Tous les titres

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BILnet is adding a new feature: QuickMoney™, enabling customers to withdraw cash using a smartphone

In keeping with its tradition of innovation, on December 5 Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) is adding a new feature to its mobile apps and online banking services, allowing customers to withdraw cash from a BIL ATM without a bank card. BIL is the first bank in Luxembourg to offer this service, undertaken in collaboration with Diebold, the official supplier of the bank’s ATMs.   QuickMoney™ will be available directly from the BILnet Mobile smartphone app and will supplement the existing QuickBanking™ features: QuickView™ and QuickTransfer™, the first of which enables users to view their account and bank card balances, with the second enabling transfers using a PIN code. QuickMoney™ will offer smartphone users two ways to withdraw cash from their accounts: either...
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Loyens & Loeff
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Edmond de Rothschild
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Digital Services, Technology and Consulting
Sia Partners
Pictet Asset Management
J. P. Morgan
Backer McKenzie
MIMCO Capital
Generali Investements LU
A&O Shearman
Lamboley Executive Search
Zeb Consulting
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