lundi 4 octobre 2010
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 4 octobre 2010 - Tous les titres

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REPONDO: Security deliveries free of payment: a further step towards straight through processing

A new internet based platform which supports the workflow of security deliveries free of payment is now available. Repondo Financial Services S.A. based in Mertert (Luxembourg) has developed a tool named “FreeDel” which assists operations staff in their work to receive depository information to set up delivery instructions. The idea behind Transferring securities from one bank to another is linked to a process, which is not completely standardized and time consuming for the operations staff. In order to receive the required depository information for the delivery instruction, a first contact to find the right person at the counterparty has to be established by phone. In most cases it not easy to find the right contact, especially at bigger banks. A fax...
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